How to Protect Your Gutters from Storm Damage

October 22, 2022

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How to Protect Your gutter From Storm Damage
We trust rain gutters to hold their own through the most intense storms. After all, the main purpose of a rain guttering system is to redirect all the rainwater to a safe area away from the building. With that said, even the most durable structures can be affected by a storm, and rain gutters are not exempt from suffering storm damage over time. Aluminum Gutters are known for standing through the worst weather conditions without a scratch, but this doesn't mean that a gutter should be left unattended each time it rains.

How Can Storm Damage Affect My Rain Gutters?

Professional gutters are built to stay strong through several storms throughout the year. Much of the damage people worry about can be prevented with regular cleaning and maintenance. Still, there are factors outside of our control: a gust of wind might send a branch flying toward your gutters and break the material upon impact, or the waterflow could loosen one of the gutter seams. If you find the problem early on during your inspections, chances are that the damage has a quick fix, but it's important to know what to do if your gutters need deeper repairs.

Let's talk about the most worrying consequences of storm damage on rain gutters:
    How to Protect Gutters From Storm Damage
  • Large amounts of debris getting stuck inside the gutter, carried either by the water current or by strong winds. This brings numerous problems, starting with clogs that disrupt the passage of water through the gutter. The weight of debris, sediments, and plant residue can also surpass the amount of water a gutter is meant to sustain at a time, compromising the whole structure and straining the materials. Twigs and other sharp elements could also scratch the gutters to the point of causing leaks.

  • If a gutter is constantly hit by wind and copious amounts of water, it might eventually lose its stability and start sagging. This is more common when the gutter is not installed by a professional but can also happen with old gutters when the materials have already shown signs of decay. In extreme cases, the wind might twist portions of the gutter or even collapse the whole guttering system.

  • Some gutters simply aren't equipped to keep up with all the water that falls during an intense storm. When the gutter is too small, or when it's not aligned properly below the roof, much of the rainwater might slide down the building, causing water damage to the sidings, the basement, and the foundations.

  • A gutter's collapse can also be caused after the metal components have been worn down by the storm. Lengthy periods of thunderstorms can weaken the nails, screws, and brackets that secure the gutter in place.

Preventing Storm Damage

We can't talk about protecting rain gutters from storm damage without restating the importance of proper maintenance. Inspecting every inch of your gutters can be tiresome but will save you thousands of dollars in repairs if you find potential issues early on. It's important to check the gutter's structure to make sure there are no new bumps or scratches after a storm. You can also pour water inside the gutter and confirm that it is heading to the downspout; it's easier to evaluate the gutter's condition in a controlled environment.

How to Protect Your Gutters From Storm DamageNow, we understand that cleaning after an intense thunderstorm requires more effort than regular maintenance. Sometimes, the amount of dirt getting inside the gutter during the rainy season can undo months of cleaning, leaving marks along every inch of the gutter and heaps of waste stuck around the seams.

One way to prevent this is by getting gutter guards to keep the largest elements out of the gutter. This is especially useful in homes that are surrounded by many trees, and it will add to your gutter's long-term durability.

The ultimate way to fully protect your gutters, however, is by hiring a professional cleaning and maintenance service. A company specializing in gutter maintenance has high-end equipment to make the process more thorough and efficient, and this is extra important given the amount of dirt that's driven to your gutters during a storm. A rule of thumb is to have your gutters cleaned by a professional once or twice a year, and contractors recommend scheduling these appointments before the fall and in the aftermath of the rainy season.

On top of providing the best cleaning services to get better results from your maintenance, Rain Gutters Solution also offers the best resources to repair any damage caused by storms, from leaks to sagging gutters. Our specialists will identify the problem and use their expertise to protect your gutter's durability. And if your gutters need to be replaced after suffering storm damage, we'll be happy to offer the best options, ensuring that your new guttering system has all the capacity needed to drive gallons of water away from your home.

Keep your gutters free of storm damage with the help of Rain Gutters Solution. Our specialists understand Florida's climate better than anyone, and we know how to counter the risks as the rainy season draws closer. If you want the best maintenance service to protect your gutters, call (305) 270-7779 or fill out our website's contact form to schedule an appointment. And don't forget to subscribe to our newsletter to get the latest news and tips straight to your inbox. We help you get the best guttering system to prevent storm damage for years.

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