How to Decorate Your Home for Festivities Without Damaging Your Rain Gutters
July 15, 2016

Who doesn't like to decorate their home for festivities? It is an activity we all enjoy. Halloween, Christmas, and even birthdays are some of the occasions where many people enjoy decorating their home to make it a part of the celebration. However, you must do this correctly to guarantee the safety of your home and family. One of the outdoor areas that people like to decorate the most is the rain gutters, but sometimes, it becomes damaged due to unsafe decorating techniques. In order to prevent this situation, you must consult with a
Rain Gutter Company that can offer a qualified opinion on this matter so your home is protected.
Christmas holiday decorations
Christmas is one of the most popular holidays because people get to decorate their homes. One of the most common ways to decorate it is by putting Christmas lights on rain gutters. However, you have to do this properly to prevent damage to your water collection system and expensive repairs that result from them. Never install the lights directly on your rain gutters with staples or nails, or you will have to deal with many problems later on.
Installing light clips
To properly decorate your rain gutters, you must use light clips. These clips hang at the edge of the rain gutter and have a hook for the light cord or decoration. Light clips are very easy to install and remove, and they don't represent a risk to your rain gutters. Never pull the cord to remove the lights on your rain gutters! Be very careful and take the necessary time to do this. You have to take some time and care to install and remove Christmas lights.
Preparing for Halloween
Halloween is another festivity where many people love to decorate their home. If you decide to put Halloween decorations on your rain gutters, remember to do it safely. Again, light clips are a great way to accomplish this. You can also use them to hang your ornaments. An additional detail you must consider is the weight of everything you are putting on your water collection system. Remember that the rain gutter has to support its own weight, water, and the decorations you place on it.
Watch out for pranksters
Halloween has a particular problem you must consider – the awful pranks. If you are the victim of an unpleasant prankster, you might have to clean up all the mess they leave behind. First, check your rain gutters and look for any foreign objects. If you find something, remove it. Also, verify your downspouts to see if they have been the target of an awful prank. Look for shaving cream, one of pranksters' favorite things to use for their antics. When shaving cream dries up, it can be very difficult to remove. If it does, use a damp cloth to remove it. Pranksters use toilet paper too, and it is likely that when you find it, it will already be dry, so you will need some time to remove it.
Decorating for family events
Some people like to decorate their homes for a family member's birthday. In this case, our recommendations are the same: safely decorate, take the necessary time to install and remove the decorations, and be aware of the extra weight that you put on your rain gutters.
Decorating your home for a festivity is a great activity and for many people it is also a family activity. If you do it, that's great! Enjoy it! But remember to decorate with the safety of your home and rain gutters in mind. Always call a qualified company like Rain Gutters Solution for an expert opinion on how to properly decorate your rain gutters or clean up the mess of unwanted pranksters. If you need our help, call us at
(305) 270-7779 or go to our
contact section and we will be gladly assist you. Find us on
Facebook at RainGuttersSolution and follow us at
Instagram @RainGuttersSolution to be updated with our news and announcements.